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Our Programs

Harnessing Creativity

American School Course

Preschool Class

From around 2 years old to 6th grade We have incorporated many lessons based on living a day in English only. We do everything in English: play, learn, make, exercise, self-assertion, trouble, problem-solving, scolding, and compliment. By the time you reach elementary school, you will be able to read and write as well as junior high school students, and there are several students who will take Eiken Level 2 in this hyper-growth course...... Read more

Eikaiwa Course

Image by Kuanish Reymbaev

1 year old to preschool children, 3 years old to junior high and high school students, adults In the English conversation class of foreign teachers, you will learn phonics and the minimum reading and writing necessary for communication, focusing on communication on everyday topics. By continuing to believe in the habit of speaking English every week, there is no doubt that you will become an English speaker in the future..... Read more

Cram School


As we get older studying becomes difficult and we can't get around, and it's time for everyone to choose what to learn at some point. In fact, this course started to support such children and make it easier to continue English conversation. In addition to the results of the course, there are of course various merits such as easy schedule adjustment with English conversation and cheaper prices........ Read more

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